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Friday, December 10, 2010

[NEWS] SJ's private situation after Golden Disk Award, Daesang Award not given fairly?

转宝蓝阁,by 綺~ 原文是、:【SJ金唱片后的一些私下情况(后续)[绝对真实],我现在发的这些东西,是有绝对的事实,我不会编那么多谎话来骗自家ELF,我认识了一个在SM学习的人,他跟我说的一些东西,我把他整理了一下,发这帖不是要掐架,只是想让更多人知道事实。】

What I’m saying now is the absolute truth. As an ELF myself, I will not weave so many lies to deceive other ELFs. A trainee at SM whom I got to know told me a few things, and I’ve arranged them. 
My purpose of releasing this is not to spark off fights, but to let everyone know the truth.

Qn: Were the SJ members beaten?
A: Be rest assured, the members were not beaten. 
However, the SJ members cried. Yesterday, a friend told me that Donghae got really furious. 
Donghae also got scolded by the manager for getting angry, because of the reason why he got angry. 
The manager is really unreasonable. 
They didn’t do anything wrong. 
Other members like Leeteuk, eunhyuk, donghae and kyuhyun got scolded too.
(Reason was ELFs’ big reaction)

Q: regarding yesung
Yesung is still running a fever.
He was replaced at the last minute.
(His digital daesang award was changed at the last minute)
From what I heard, he was put on a drip at the hospital. 
Because of his physical condition, he almost fainted and had difficulty getting on the car.

Q: regarding the contracts (the contract they sign to participate in the event Golden Wave concert tonight.)
A: the members didn’t want to sign the contract (re-contract) at first, but was forced to do so in view of upcoming concerts.
(T/N: It could mean the re-contracting to stay in SM?)

Q: regarding the daesang awards
A: The lights were shone on SJ, and Leeteuk even prepared himself. 

But when the daesang was announced, everyone was shocked. 
The immediate switch of focus over to SNSD, etc..was all a last minute change.
Regarding yesterday’s awards, many other artists were also taken aback, and the managers comforted SJ.
But what was most unexpected was that even some artists supported SJ, including f(x) and SHINee.

By the way, as some fans going to the shop that Yesung’s mother said Yesung is okay now, ELFs do not worry much !!

T/N: The original article was vague and we intepreted it as it seems. Some parts like the reason behind GDA changing the awards was also not stated. The portion about recontracting was unclear as well. We only translated what was given and believe it at your own risk.

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