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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hangeng"Even to this day, I still remember them"

Does not feel has been over a year ago since SM Entertainment Hangeng sue to stop the contract. This new interview was held with Hangeng Questioning this. Decision Hangeng who suddenly left the group Super Junior is making many people unhappy, including other members and also of course the fans. 5 years together with love just as his own siblings, Hangeng never confide anything about this problem on other members. His departure is abrupt, making a lot of misunderstandings between members and there are also some members who angrily. But, for Hangeng own this is a wound in his heart which was never healed. Even Hangeng said, his own brother did not understand why he took this step, 'No problem they understand me or not, but I understand them. "Even to this day, I still remember them"Though already become a solo artist for 1 year, Hangeng still do not want to discuss this, he cried ...

Hard life in the Korean entertainment industry environment that makes Hangeng decided to get out without thinking of any other member state. Hangeng lead-off to audition at the age of 17 years and began training at the age of 19 years through training 4-5 years to be trained. They should not be out, should not be sick and not even allowed to go home for any reason.
For those who do not know, the decision came out of this group has been thought 2 years by Hangeng. Hangeng Manager now been submitted to the conference this issue and how depressed Hangeng time in Korea. Even Sun Le said if Hangeng ever tell her. 'suicide rate in Korea is very high, what do you want me to be like them? I just realized how badly it is today! "

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