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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Leeteuk & Eunhyuk to be replaced by Sungmin & Ryeowook on ‘Kiss the Radio’

5 년이 지났어과 쿨 FM의 KBS 호스팅 세 개월 만에 '라디오 키스 "그것은 슈퍼 주니어 멤버 Leeteuk과 Eunhyuk이 동료 bandmates Sungmin 및 Ryeowook에 라디오 호스트 달리기를 전달 것이라고 오늘 발표했다.

Leeteuk 및 Eunhyuk의 증가 활동은 듀오가 TV 프로그램, 음악 공연과 포장 개인 스케줄로 바쁜되어,이 출국 뒤에 이유로 인용되었습니다.12월 4일 방송이 Sungmin과 Ryeowook 직접 후 작성 예정으로 Leeteuk 및 공연에 Eunhyuk의 최종 에피소드를 표시합니다.


After five long years and three months of hosting KBS Cool FM‘s “KISS THE RADIO,” it was announced today that SUPER JUNIOR members LEETEUK and EUNHYUK will be passing the radio host baton onto fellow bandmates SUNGMIN and RYEOWOOK
Leeteuk and Eunhyuk’s increased activities have been cited as the reasons behind this departure, as the duo has been busy with television programs, musical performances and packed personal schedules. The December 4th broadcast will mark Leeteuk and Eunhyuk’s final episode on the show, with Sungmin and Ryeowook scheduled to fill in directly after.
Selepas lima tahun panjang dan tiga bulan hosting KBS Cool FM "Kiss Radio,"  hari ini mengumumkan bahawa ahli Super Junior Leeteuk dan Eunhyuk akan melepaskan baton radio tuan rumah ke rakan-rakan bandmates Sungmin dan Ryeowook.

Peningkatan aktiviti Leeteuk dan Eunhyuk telah dinamakan sebab-sebab di sebalik berlepas inikedua-duanya telah sibuk dengan program-program televisyen, persembahan muzik dan jadual peribadi yang padatDISEMBER 4 siaran akan menandakan Leeteuk dan 
Eunhyuk akan berada di episod terakhir  di acara itu, dengan Sungmin dan Ryeowook dijadualkan untuk mengisi secara langsung selepas.

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